Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blog assignment #2

What types of things does Richard "hunger" for
and what are the effects (positive and negative) of hunger?

First of all, Richard hungers for an education. He is always ready to learn. Earlier in the book he regrets not having a full year of school before he moved in with his grandmother. Also, he was the one who initiated learning to read and write, not his parents. Even at an early age his seeking for knowledge was apparent. A positive effect of this is that he will be able to think for himself and be able to get jobs that require literacy (such as writing applications for insurance companies). A negative effect of this is that being african-american in the south, even educated, he will be limited to the type of education and quality of jobs he will get.

Secondly, Richard hungers for a job. Getting a job makes him independant, no longer leaning on his Grandmother and slew of unhappy aunts and uncles to support him. A job gives him a way to be useful in the household, and also not present in the household. It gives him a sense of importance and independance. A positive effect of this is that he is making money for his family and learning new things about society and social hierarchy. A negative effect of this is that he sees how badly blacks are treated and how white people are the source of all his suffering. Also he can not get a decent job with a decent pay because he is black and he is not helping the household enough for them to be grateful for him.


seang said...

I agree with most of what you wrote, but i think that there are things that Richard hunger for more (figurativley speaking) than an education. Like, to be a writer, or to just grow up or run away. I think these are showed more in the novel than him wanting a eduacation.

Steph said...

I completely agree that Richard is hungry for education. We see this when he graduates from the fifth grade to the sixth grade in two weeks. I also agree that he hungers for independence and a job.
I think Richard's work and schooling bring him appeasment from his hunger because the work can bring him more food and clothing and the schoolwork satisfy his craving for knowledge.

The Magical Unicorn said...

i agree with your idea that Richard hungars for education. His love for reading and writing help him acomplish many things and it also helps him to deal with the comotion going on in his every-day life. i think the learning of knowledge is a promenent part in Richard's life. nice ideas & nice work!
see you tomorrow in school! :D

Mackenzie R. said...

I agree with what you wrote, and I think that you explained the topic very well. I like how you think that Richard strives for a job (I didn't think of it). I also agree that Richard is hungry for education and wants more. He is not just satisfied with himself and wants to go beyond the average person.

Mackenzie R. said...
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Lacey said...

I totally agree with your thoughts on Richard's hunger for education. I wrote the same thing in my blog. Richard is constantly searching for more books to read. The positive outcome of being hungry for learning is that Richard then became a writer!
I do have to disagree with him having hunger for a job. I think he only had so many jobs due to the fact that he needed the money, but that's just me!
Nice job,
~ Lace